Welcome to the Meteorscan Meteor Detection and Radio Astronomy pages. Here you will find our amateur meteor detection system, plus data from our other Radio Astronomy experiments.
Meteorscan counts and analyse meteor events. Our solar radio observatory measures 'Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances and our new project 'Iona' will carry out radio ionospheric analysis & experiments and examine the impact of solar events.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will receive our latest meteor news and event alerts, plus information about new projects and experiments.
Our main objective is to use our home built automated radio astronomy systems to collect high quality meteor, solar observation & other radio astronomy data and share our collected data with the amateur radio astronomy community.
This project is non-commercial and was created in 2009 by our small group of dedicated amateur Radio Astronomers.
Meteor Detection Facility
Our meteor radar detection facility combines data from several sensitive radio ground stations, identifying signals reflected by the ionisation created by meteoroids, as they vaporise in Earth's atmosphere.
Our carefully chosen remote site locations experience very little radio interference allowing us to build a very sensitive system.
At Meteorscan HQ, we use our own software, developed in-house, to gather meteor activity data & share this with you, making meteor spotting a very exciting and involving experience.